A bucket on her head and a friend by her side

Belot women headed to market

This is a common sight most days out here on the country roads. Two men or two women, walking side by side, with a basin atop their head, holding all of their wares in a fashion that passersby have a good visual of everything for sale. The items vary. Sometimes the basin is full of plastic cups and pitchers and plates and other kitchen supplies. Sometimes the basin overflows with barrettes and ribbons and hair ties and lotions and soaps. Other times there is no basin at all.

Men with 15 pairs of shoes slung over his neck walk with men who have mounted capsules and tablets for a variety of ailments to pieces of cardboard which have been bent into a cone shape, small end shoved in a bucket. It ends up looking like he is carrying a giant dunce cap of drugs. Women with bags and purses lining both arms walk with women loaded with 10 different carefully folded fabrics on her head. What they carry is never the same but one thing is. Every time I see two people walking these dirt roads together, sweating in the afternoon sun, shielding their faces from the dust kicked up by rumbling dump trucks, running for shelter when an early evening downpour begins…when I see them they are happy. They are laughing, talking, enjoying one another’s company.

And every time I think, God I wish that was my life. I know they both more than likely go home to small cement block home with a rusty roof and very few of the comforts Americans would expect. Probably not a lot of food on the table either. But still I feel like being able to have the company of a friend every day would outweigh at least some of the struggles of life. Just walking around, selling stuff when you can, chatting about whatever you feel like, visiting other friends along the way…to me that sounds like a pretty sweet gig even if there isn’t much of a “paycheck”.

Maybe I will start doing that when I get back home…just walk around Brockport with a bucket of snacks to sell. Hang around the college campus where kids are scrambling to get to their next class and don’t have time to hit the vending machines. Evading campus police, or any police, would be difficult but I could always invest in some rollerblades for a quicker getaway. Now all I need is a friend to walk with me selling the drinks…any takers?


One Comment

  1. Avatar
    grace January 22, 2014 at 9:57 am - Reply

    um you know im down!!!!!

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