Introducing Nerlande


Nerlande is the second oldest daughter of one of our house mothers, Janine (sister to Nadine and Bianca). She is one of the most passionate, lively girls in the group. She can often be found leading jump rope rhymes or hand clap games or starting an impromptu worship session with whomever is around or “teaching” a group of younger kids she chose for students.

Whenever she sings it is at the top of her lungs.

She can be sneaky too. If another kid does something bad like fights with someone or touches something they’re not supposed to you can usually count on Nerlande to get this information to an adult but without making much of a fuss; she simply walks over and recounts what happened but with a lot of exaggerated hand gestures and furrowed brows and pouted lips. It is pretty entertaining to watch actually.

In the early spring she had what we believe to be an asthma induced fainting episode. Thankfully she hasn’t had one since which is good because I have seen her literally running in circles while singing one day. Like I said, very lively.

I could definitely see Nerlande being a worship leader at church someday. She has a knack for getting the kids going during their rainy day or nighttime praise sessions and I think she could do the same with an entire congregation for sure.


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