Press 3 for English…buuuuuut don’t expect much.

The other afternoon I got a call from my internet provider here, Access Haiti, about a problem with billing my monthly internet fee. Since the representative spoke only Kreyol I decided it would be best if I called her back when I was with Junior, my translator…just to make sure everything was absolutely clear. Luckily, I was meeting Junior the same day to do some market shopping/bargaining.

Once Junior arrived we sat down at the restaurant at Baptist Mission, near our meeting spot, and called Access Haiti. Junior was on the phone with the automated list of options and he said there is an English option. Perfect. That will make it easier since I can explain everything without having to go through Junior. I took the phone. It listed options in English and I pressed 2 for billing. After a couple seconds the following took place:

Rep.: Bonjou!
Me: Uh, bonjou!
…a few seconds of silence…
Me: Eske ou parle angle? (Do you speak English?)
Rep.: Non. (No, in the most cheerful voice possible)
Me: …laughing directly into the phone then passing it on to Junior.

Access Haiti English option = total fail


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