Introducing Jean Fiderse

jeanfiderseJean Fiderse is eleven years old and the middle child of 3 brothers (Fegens and Reginald). Of all the kids he is the most eager to speak English. He is always coming to my door to ask me random questions or tell me something that happened. He is a chatterbox during class too, usually saying something to make the other kids laugh but is respectful and listens well. Whenever I call him over for something he always tries to have a swagger but can’t quite pull it off yet. He has one of the most maniacal laughs I have ever heard…would be the perfect voice over for a mad scientist cartoon character. He is an amazing storyteller. He loves to recite David and Goliath and act it out. We watched Kung Fu Panda the other night and he has been reenacting scenes for the other kids amusement ever since. He has kind of become a surrogate older brother for Ezechiel. I think it was Jean who gave Ezekiel the nickname Zebra. He will help Ezekiel get bath water in the morning from time to time and I will occasionally spot him sitting with the little guy on his lap. Jean definitely keeps an eye out for him. His high spirited nature can get him to trouble sometimes with teachers or other authority but he is very intelligent and enjoys being around other people. He is one I could see working at a hotel or restaurant or as a translator, someplace where he has the opportunity to interact.


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