Letter From David, Our Director2014-07-12T17:59:38+00:00

When we began the work in Haiti, we had no idea where God would lead us. Several years later we are amazed at where God has brought us. As we continue to lean heavily on the leading of God’s Holy Spirit, we grow in wonderment watching Him take our humble efforts and bring Himself glory.

At the heart of this ministry is our desire to serve the people as we serve God, lead them to a genuine relationship with Him while encouraging growth toward personal integrity and self-sustainability. We do this by setting examples of God’s unwavering love toward all as we embrace those who most the world has forgotten – the destitute, the rejected, the broken, and the oppressed. There are endless opportunities to do this especially in Haiti, a country where there are so many in need.

Partnerships have developed that have given us the ability to expand our vision allowing us to reach more people with the Gospel as God has brought amazing folks who share our passion for Haiti to work hand-in-hand with us. We continue to find that the Gospel-centric network of missionaries, pastors and lay people working together has the greatest ability to impact this country with the love of Jesus Christ.

To all those who have prayed with us and for us, supported us through sponsorship programs and special projects, and who have joined us on mission to Haiti, loving on the children, teaching the adults, and embracing the broken … to you we owe a debt of deep gratitude. We praise God for raising you up to share our burden for this country and thank you for your partnership, your prayers and your sacrificial giving. Thank you for answering God’s call to Haiti.

Very respectfully,

David G. Young
Executive Director
Heart of God Haiti

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