Haitian Proverb February 5th

Moulen manje sou dan li genyen.

The mill grinds with the teeth it has….meaning, you manage with what you have.

I can’t tell you how many times I look at passing SUVs, shiny and new, in town and think, “If we could just have a new vehicle, life would be so much easier.” But that won’t be happening anytime soon. And that’s okay. Part of managing with what you have I think also entails looking at bright side….well the brighter side at least. Our current vehicle is need of repairs a few times a year. While that may be an unwanted expense, at least it is providing a working Haitian man with an income. When the vehicle does have issues, Junior and I opt for a taptap, again providing income for a local man and also providing the priceless entertainment of seeing a white girl trying to be Haitian. And I suppose if I ever run into anything I won’t get in too much trouble because the thing is already pretty sad looking. Anyways, I will pray for our vehicle issues to be resolved in one way or another, but at the same time I will do my best to remember to thanks God for vehicle he has given us, no matter how much I would like to push it off the mountains somedays.


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