Haitian Proverb March 3rd

“Tou moun konnen sa: le mal egzist.”

Translation: “Everyone knows this: evil exists. Meaning, bad things happen.”

Haitian Proverb March 3rd, Heart of God Haiti

While I was in the states last week I was able to meet and speak with Journey Church in Chattanooga, Tennessee. During my short “speech” I said something that I have thought for a long time but have never voiced to an audience. I told the people at Journey that what we need most is prayer because the devil most certainly knows where we are and what we are doing. I suppose I have never said this before because it does sound a little dramatic. But it is so very true.

Right before I went through security in Haiti to prepare for boarding my plane to the states for this trip, I received a call that Ednel had been hit by a motorcycle on his way to school and suffered a broken ankle. There the devil was making our lives difficult again. And there are so many other little instances I could write about where projects have failed, trust has been broken, kids have been sick, and on and on. The devil knows the work Pastor Justin is doing through his church and the work Heart of God Haiti is doing through the kids at our center and the community. And so bad things happen.

This is why all of you are so important. Without your prayers for protection and strength and guidance, the bad things would certainly overwhelm and consume us. It is your prayers that help the bad things never last too long. After a worrisome few flights, I made it to my destination in the states to find that the friend I was staying with had a family member who was a orthopedic surgeon and provided me with child size crutches and a boot by the end of my stay. And now Ednel is walking around with his crutches like he’s been doing it forever.

Please continue to pray for Heart of God Haiti and the children here. And thank you so very much for all the prayers you have been sending our way. I can tell you with 100% certainty that they are working:)


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