Haitian Proverb August 13th

Manman poul di: mwen ka pale pou ze mwen men mwen pa ka pale pou ti poul mwen.

The hen says: I can speak for my eggs but not for my chicks. meaning, A parent cannot promise how a child will develop.
Sunday night started a week’s worth of night time services hereat Pastor Justin’s church in Godet, all leading up to a celebration to the “birthday” of the church (I cannot remember how many years at the moment). Every night some guys rev up the generator and people fill up the church, singing and praising God with keyboard and electrical guitar accompaniment, a treat for us since we don’t usually have electricity during our normal Sunday services. As the praise songs were in full swing last night, clapping, dancing, hands raised high, I glanced over at our kids. All of them were singing, some of them had closed their eyes, faces lifted to the sky, genuinely singing with everything they had.
While we can’t ever say for sure how these 18 children living at the orphanage will turn out, what kind of adults they will be, what kind of professions they will have, what kind of life they will lead, one thing is for sure. Living here is definitely giving them a solid foundation in the gospel and nurturing their personal relationship with God. When children get older and start to develop their own thoughts and beliefs it is certainly possible they may stray from what has been taught to them. But based on personal experiences with friends and relatives, the fact that God loves them stays in their heart and hopefully will lead them back to the life path He has for them.
Pray for these 18 little “eggs” and that the church will continue to help them grow spiritually and come to be good Christian adults.

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