Haitian Proverb December 10th

“Fòk ou chache konn chemen anvan ou pran wout.”

Translation: “You must learn the way before you take to the road.”

Simply put, this proverb is a reminder to think before you act. But in my mind this goes deeper than just a simple reminder. If you are like me, you have some big goals you are striving for, or things you are trying to get accomplished, but all too often, it is easy to get a vision in your mind bigger than your hands are prepared to work for. No doubt that your goals are good things to work for, but let me encourage you to take time today to step back from the work you’re doing and make sure you’ve appropriately mapped out the route to finishing the task at hand. To throw in an old English proverb, “the road to hell is paved with good intentions.” Let’s make sure we can finish what we start.


Unless otherwise noted, the Haitian Proverb of the Week was found in “Hidden Meanings. Truth and Secret in Haiti’s Creole Proverbs” by Wally R. Turnbull, Copyright 2005 by Light Messages. The comments on the proverb are my own.

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