Haitian Proverb December 3rd

“Menm nan lanfè gen moun pa.”

Translation: “Even in hall there are buddies.”

I have always hated the quote, “You show me your friends, and I’ll show you your future.” Mainly I hate it because it is true, and yet I’ve always had at least a few friends who are not good influences on me.

Lately I have been thinking much about the fact that no matter what you want to pursue in life whether good or bad, there will always be someone there to assist you and cheer you on. On the one hand, this is good when we want to pursue God and “seek first His Kingdom.” Yet on the other, we must always remember there are those out there that, “Though they know God’s righteous decree that those who practice such things deserve to die, they not only do them but give approval to those who practice them” (Romans 1:32).

Just as “misery loves company,” so does sin and evil pursuits, so be careful who your friends are, and what trouble you get into together.


Unless otherwise noted, the Haitian Proverb of the Week was found in “Hidden Meanings. Truth and Secret in Haiti’s Creole Proverbs” by Wally R. Turnbull, Copyright 2005 by Light Messages. The comments on the proverb are my own.

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