Heart of God Haiti: The Glasses Project

Heart of God Haiti‘s Adult Literacy Program created a challenge that caught us by surprise. Some of the folks learning to read and write and handle finances were plagued with poor eyesight which further complicated the task of learning as an adult. With generous donations from friends of Heart of God Haiti, we were able to provide reading glasses to several adults who struggled with their eyesight, making reading out of the textbooks much easier. We took some time to work with each adult, asking them to try on reading glasses while looking at a workbook. You could see their face light up once they were able to see clearly and make out the small letters they’d struggled to read only moments before.

Thank you to all who gave so others can see and learn without struggling with poor eyesight. Yours is a gift that will continue to give for a very long time, impacting not only the recipient but the families they help to support. What an amazing gift!

“In that hour he healed many people of diseases and plagues and evil spirits, and on many who were blind he bestowed sight.” (Luke 7:21)


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