Introducing Reginald


Reginald is ten years old and the youngest brother of 3 (Fegens and Jean Fiderse). And unfortunately his older brothers like to remind him he is the youngest. Sibling relationships are the same everywhere. 🙂 I have a feeling once he hits a growth spurt he will be able to hold his own.

Reginald loves to build. He often takes rocks from the yard and creates houses with them, arranging them to form the walls, then finding sticks for the roof and some old Cheetos bags or cloth to drape over top. He also loves to draw buildings too. He uses his geometry instruments for school (ruler, protractor) to make various styles of houses. Some are simple one story structures, others have 2 or 3 floors with steps leading up to them with flower pots out front. He always makes sure to give them lots of color once he has finished the outline.

Reginald is a kid who takes his time to do things neatly and correct. He is usually the last to finish his homework because he makes sure his handwriting is clear and any tables or charts he had to copy are perfect. He is the same way when coloring in his coloring book. Most the kids don’t pay much attention to the details but Reginald makes sure to use a variety of colors for each aspect of the picture. And he never goes outside the lines.  🙂

Reginald does an excited dance that I don’t think he could contain if he tried. He balls up his fists and hops up and down ever so slightly, all while grinning madly. It is entertaining to watch.

I could see Reginald being an architect someday. The way he delights in both building and designing houses and his attention to detail would make him a great at creating blueprints for a new hotel someday.


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