Scott’s November Ministry Update


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In South Sudan, the first devotion shared was on being stretched as we pursue God and seek His Kingdom. November has definitely been a stretching experience in both my life and ministry.

The first part of the month was spent in Southern Sudan watching God throw the doors wide open for people to meet Christ as Savior. Though there were many challenges, such as having to wade across the river at the Kenya/S. Sudan border, it was well worth it. In a matter of days, we saw around 100 people saved – from the highest tribal chiefs to the lowest prisoners. God even confirmed our message with some divine acts of power as we saw a handful of people healed during times of prayer.

After S. Sudan I had 22 hours in Washington D.C., and spent a full, jet-lagged afternoon walking around visiting all the monuments and memorials. It was a great reminder of the wonderful history we have as a nation, and an encouragement that we must continue to be a people who seeks God on behalf of our nation and government.

Then, on the 10th, the return to Haiti was a weird experience for me as this place has become a second home. While in the U.S. and S. Sudan I even found myself craving some Haitian foods and definitely missing our kids like crazy.

Most ofHaiti doesn’t celebrate Thanksgiving, but it was also my 28th birthday, so on that Saturday I took a big cake and celebrated with the kids. It was a very special day for me.

Though I am looking forward with much excitement to what God has in store for my ministry in the next year, leaving Haiti in February will definitely be a hard goodbye for me

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday. I know it’s always nice for kids to get a break from school, see all the family, and gorge ourselves.

Growing up, I never really thought too much about Thanksgiving. The majority of my family always lived close together, so it wasn’t unusual to see them all in one place. The main marker of the holiday was the food (that would usually continue well past Thursday.)

This year, though, being here away from it all was harder than I expected. As I saw all the pictures and status updates on social media, it hit me how much we really do have to be thankful for when we can gather with family and friends and think on God’s goodness to us. Fortunately for the modern missionary, there is Skype, and I was able to see all my family for about an hour that afternoon.

“But certainly God has listened; he has attended to the voice of my prayer.” ~Psalm 66:19

  • Pray for God to send revival; that salvation and healing will come to this nation.
  • Pray for Erin, the new HGIM missionary, as she prepares to move to Haiti in 2013.
  • Pray for me as I begin making speaking appointments for my time home next year.
  • Pray for the HGIM Board of Directors as they meet in Dec. to make some vital    decision for the future of the ministry.



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