Great progress made with a solar generator and water purifier

We heard from Pastor D. yesterday and today and the work started by the team last week is continuing and progress is being made. Pastor D. was able to work with the members of the other camp in the area to get the water purification system up and running. The solar generator that was donated and shipped to the camp is being used to keep the battery on the water purification system charged. By working together the camps are now able to obtain safe drinking for much less money. Previously Pastor D. had to purchase bottled water to have safe drinking water for the members of Camp Victory. Now they are able to purchase water from the water trucks and use the water purification system to make the water drinkable for those in Camp Victory as well as the other two camps.

World Vision also arrived at Camp Victory yesterday with a huge tent that they had promised they would bring. The tent is large enough to use for the school or for several families to use to live in. World Vision is also working to arrange food for the camp through the World Food Program. This will still take a couple more weeks but we are praying that the World Food Program will agree to provide food for the children at the school as well as all the adults in the camp. Please keep this in your prayers as it would be a tremendous blessing! The food they can provide is more nutritious than the food Pastor D. has been able to buy for the children. This will provide the children with the nourishment they need to heal and regain their strength.

We have also been tremendously blessed in that Pastor D. has found a very large house for rent. The house is big enough to house Pastor D., his team and 40 of the children from the camp. Renting the house will provide us with a headquarters building that can be used by Pastor D. and his team, better living conditions for the 40 smallest and most vulnerable of the children and also a place to stay on future trips to Haiti which will save on travel costs. The school will continue to be located at Camp Victory and Pastor D. and the teachers will still travel there to teach each day. Some children from the other two camps in the area have been attending the school in addition to the children at Camp Victory so we want to continue to provide an opportunity for all the children to attend for as long as possible.

We still face many challenges as we continue to move forward. Of the 210 children at the camp, we have 120 orphans so we need to be sure that these children especially are being cared for properly. In addition, the majority of the adults in the camp are women and elderly which makes them more vulnerable than other camps with a larger population of young men. Pastor D. will be hiring a security guard for the camp to help alleviate some of these safety concerns. While much progress was made last week, there is still so much to do. Please join us is praying that God will continue to provide the resources to take care of these people who have already been through so much. Thank you!

Julie Young


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