Guess who’s back…back again…

I have been out of the blogging game for a bit now thanks to a wonderful furlough among the cornfields of upstate New York. But now I’m back. Not too much has changed…Losentia lost a tooth…and I swear Francois did too. And as overwhelmingly awesome it was to see the kids again now I get to push against the surges of homesickness over the next couple weeks. Home was easy. Home was soy lattes every morning and talking to my mom face to face every day. Home was the freedom to go wherever I pleased at any time of day. Home was laughing for hours with friends over a meal of homemade lasagna and salad with lettuce fresh from the garden. Home was never feeling alone. I have come to learn that overcoming the rough patches in my life in Haiti is a mental battle more than anything. I ask that you all keep me in your prayers because this is a battle I’ve fought before during Peace Corps, but that was a time when I had much more in person support, so I am honestly worried how I will handle this one. I’m just going to keep on keeping on and pray God won’t mind carrying me for awhile. I love you all and I promise I will have something funny to write soon. With these kids it’s only a matter of time really.



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